
Workshop: Take action against xenophobia

How can you respond to the xenophobia crisis?

The Treatment Action Campaign invites you to come to a workshop to learn how you can take action against xenophobia. It will take place on Monday 16th June 2:30 – 4:30.

The workshop will discuss the social causes of xenophobia and how you can play a role in ending violence and crime in your community. 

It will be the start of a new social justice coalition to end violence and crime. We invite high school students, university students and other members of the community to attend. 

This is an important new focus for civil society and needs volunteers to make it happen. 

The workshop will discuss:

1) Safety, security, shelter and basic needs for immigrants and refugees displaced by xenophobic violence and crime.

2) Safety for women and girls against gender-based violence.

3) Safety for all people against violence and crime.

4) A Marshall Plan for Development to end hunger, homelessness, inequality and poverty in South and Southern Africa.

5) Moral leadership and coordination in this crisis from all political parties.

6) Practical steps you can take to end violence and crime.

We all need to act to end attacks. The world belongs to all who live in it.

Location: TAC Offices, 122 Longmarket Street

Time: 2:30 – 4:30

Date: Monday 16th June

More info:, 0832667302