New Year’s Message from the General Secretary

Comrades, I hope that we are still enjoying ourselves with our families and loved ones during this festive season. 2020 has been a very long year, lots of things have happened for the good or evil side. The advent of COVID19 has disrupted a lot of activities and also claimed lots of lives. Many people have lost jobs and some businesses have closed
The year 2020, marked 22 years since TAC was formed. The past 22 years of our struggle to fix the broken health care system of our country have not been easy at all but we remained resolute to the cause which our movement stands for.
On behalf of the NWC and National Council, we take this moment to salute all TAC members and staff from all levels for the sterling work we continue providing to our communities and the public. It is the work that we do at the community level and elsewhere that makes TAC be what it is today.
2021 is going to be tough and harder considering the second wave of COVID19. The number of health care workers who are going to succumb to COVID19, inadequate beds, and poor health care services that we are all aware of. 2021, requires us as TAC members to firstly ensure that ourselves, our families, and communities safe from contracting COVID19 and we must at all times remain vigilant against this deadly virus.
As we wrap 2020, let us also prepare ourselves for another long and tough year ahead of us. 2021 is the year of holding Provincial and National AGM’s with strong, visible, and active branches of TAC TAC across the seven provinces. In the same spirit, we are going to use 2021 to establish new TAC branches in North West because the state of health care services in this province requires us to have functional structures of the organization in order to attend to some challenges prevailing in North West province.
2021 will require TAC members and branches to pay more attention to issues of poor health care services that have engulfed our health department. As TAC we remain resolute and commit ourselves to advocate for Universal Health Care, if the NHI Bill is the vehicle for the majority of the public health care users to realize this dream, we will support it. But if the NHI Bill in its current form is still questionable in our views, then we must not be ashamed to point out our areas of concerns in the bill and continue to advocate for changes to be made and there’s nothing wrong with that.
The unity of the organization, of the membership, of the staff, and of the entire leadership of the organization is sacrosanct and we must always strive towards achieving this.
As we continue enjoying ourselves with our loved ones, we must remember that our struggle is not over and people are still experiencing lots of challenges in our health care facilities more especially during this holiday period. Let us enjoy ourselves under the prevailing circumstances and adhere to the lockdown regulations.
2021 is the year we are going to double our efforts in putting more pressure on our government to “Declare TB as a public health emergency”.
“In the end, we will remember not the voices of our enemy, but the silence of our friends”.
On behalf of the leadership collective, we wish you all a happy new year and a prosperous 2021.
Asante sana!
Thank you!
Anele Yawa