Emergency contact details and solidarity rallies against xenophobic attacks
The World Belongs To All Who Live In It!
Violence against immigrants has broken out in Cape Town.
Click here for the contact numbers for police stations in the Western Cape.
Click here for a joint statement by several organisations.
Rallies against xenophobic violence
- Vigil outside Parliament, Corner Plein and Roeland Streets, Cape Town, 23 May, 5pm until midnight. For details contact the Cape Town Action Forum (
- March against xenophobic violence: 25 May 2008, Pretoria. Meet at City Hall at 10am. Memo will be handed to Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Event ends at 12pm. Call Regis Mtutu on 084 310 8614 for details.
- Public solidarity meeting in Cape Town at the St George’s Cathedral next Tuesday 27 May 2008 where eminent and ordinary South Africans will be speaking out against the violence that is ravaging our country. Time: 12pm to 2pm. Call 071 501 6594 (TAC Media Line) for details.
Please: We urge everyone in Cape Town, Johannesburg or Pretoria to attend one or more of the above events and show solidarity against the violence.