Treatment Action Campaign ( TAC ) national People living with HIV (PLHIV) sector consultation summit on the National Strategic Plan

Ahead of the Durban Aids Conference and in preparation to develop the new National Strategic Plan (NSP), the National PLHIV sector is meeting from 27-28 May 2011 at the Lakes Hotel and Conference Centre in Johannesburg. This summit will be attended by TAC sector representatives from seven provinces , TAC partners and UNAIDS-SA office to review the current NSP and make recommendations for the new NSP.
A keynote address will be given by the Director General from the Department of Health, Ms Precious Matsoso on Saturday 28 May 2011.
The NSP is the official South African strategy on HIV/AIDS/TB and STI’s led by the South African National Aids Council (SANAC) in which TAC represents people living with HIV. This NSP maps out Government’s commitment in the fight against HIV/Aids and STIs. In a country most affected by AIDS, the NSP spells out Government’s response to the pandemic for the next five years as such wide consultation is imperative in the development of an all-inclusive document. It is for this reason that the National PLHIV are meeting to lend their crucial voice to this important road-map. The current NSP is from 2007 to 2011 and paves the way forward for a new strategic plan 2011 to 2016.
During the past months, provincial PLHIV sector consultations have been held and their input (concerns with the current NSP and recommendations for the new one) will be tabled at this national gathering. The meeting will also seek to evaluate the current NSP in terms of achieving set targets and identifying gaps. In addition, the meeting will seek to identify new SANAC representatives.
The primary aim of the current NSP are to reduce the number of new HIV infections by 50% and reduce the impact of HIV/Aids on individuals, families, communities & society by expanding access to an appropriate package of treatment, care, support to 80% of all people diagnosed with HIV. It is divided into four priority areas, namely: Prevention; Treatment, Care and Support; Monitoring, Research and Surveillance; and Human Rights & Access to Justice.