The Cape refugee emergency – where and how to help
Various organisations and individuals are working very hard to assist refugees and immigrants in the Western Cape. If you’d like to pitch in, this website ( is where to find out how.
- Where to drop off donations
- What kind of donations and assistance is needed
- How you can volunteer
- What to do in your own community or place of business.
- Updates on civil society calls to government
As relief efforts build, our needs change fast. Please check in regularly for updates. Call TAC on 021 422 1490 / 084 542 6322. These numbers are for use both if you would like to provide assistance, or if you know of a particular emergency that demands assistance. You can donate in kind, or make direct deposits or credit card donations. Various organisations and individuals are working very hard to assist refugees and immigrants in the Western Cape. If you’d like to pitch in, this website ( is where to find out how.
- Where to drop off donations
- What kind of donations and assistance is needed
- How you can volunteer
- What to do in your own community or place of business.
- Updates on civil society calls to government
As relief efforts build, our needs change fast. Please check in regularly for updates. Call TAC on 021 422 1490 / 084 542 6322. These numbers are for use both if you would like to provide assistance, or if you know of a particular emergency that demands assistance. You can donate in kind, or make direct deposits or credit card donations.