Mass Meeting: Work with Deputy President Mlambo-Ngcuka – AIDS Law Project
- Mass Meeting: Work with Deputy-President Mlambo-Ngcuka to Implement the HIV/AIDS Plan
- Date: 10 September 2007, 10am-2pm
- Venue: Meet at Triangle Square, corner Leyds & Church Street, Pretoria
- This event will take place outside a South African National AIDS Council meeting that has the opportunity to take important policy decisions that will help implement the HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan 2007-2011.
- On
- Mass Meeting: Work with Deputy-President Mlambo-Ngcuka to Implement the HIV/AIDS Plan
Date: 10 September 2007, 10am-2pm
Venue: Meet at Triangle Square, corner Leyds & Church Street, Pretoria
This event will take place outside a South African National AIDS Council meeting that has the opportunity to take important policy decisions that will help implement the HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan 2007-2011.
On 5 September 2007, Jonathan Berger of the AIDS Law Project (ALP) made a submission on behalf of TAC and the ALP to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services on the Correctional Services Amendment Bill [B 32=972007]. The submission deals with the role of the Inspecting Judge of Prisons. Click here to download the full submission.
A few problematic issues raised in our submission have been addressed. = ; For example, the position remains that of an inspecting judge, whether in active service or retired (and not a legally trained inspector-general). Further, a few of the judge’s powers regardin= g staffing have been retained. But the principled concern – that being that the staff of the office is largely to be comprised of public servants seconded from the Department of Correctional Services or other government departments – remains unaddressed. In short, an independen= t body cannot be staffed by public servants who account to their principals in the public service. This point appears to have been wel= l received by the chairperson of the committee.
A further concern is that the Minister of Correctional Services has not yet released a report on the investigation into the death of the prisoner known as MM at Westville Correctional Centre (one of the Applicants in the Westville Prison case, who died of AIDS during this litigation). This episode shows that the Judicial Inspectorate needs to be strengthened, not undermined.
Khayelitsha Dismissed Workers Case: The TAC website now has a page on this case. It contains a link to the full judgment by Justice Desai (newly added) as well as articles about this case. Click here to go to it.