TAC income and expenditure in response to people displaced by xenophobic violence
On Friday 23 May 2008, the TAC began co-ordinating an emergency response to assist people displaced by xenophobic violence. TAC raised an unprecedented amount of money and goods and services donations from the public. In the interests of transparency, we provide here a draft income and expenditure statement for activities up to 3 September 2008. Our response continues, albeit that we are winding it down. The income and expenditure sheet below excludes the donations, many of them very large, and discounts we received. The reconciliation below is draft, subject to change and unaudited. TAC’s audits are usually completed in September of each year and report up to the end of our financial year-end in February.
An easier-to-read PDF version of the table can be downloaded here.
Humanitarian Income: | R 3,125,044 |
Humanitarian Expenditure | R 3,120,312 |
Humanitarian Balance: | R 4,733 |
Advocacy Income | R 1,006,258 |
Advocacy Expenditure | R 854,929 |
Advocacy Balance | R 151,329 |
Monitoring Income: | R 332,285 |
Monitoring Expenditure | R 218,325 |
Monitoring Balance | R 113,960 |
Total Income | R 4,463,587 |
Total Expenditure | R 4,193,566 |
Balance | R 270,022 |
Food Stuffs | |
Basic Dry Goods | R 1,295,332 |
Meat | R 35,762 |
Milk | R 4,493 |
Baby Foods | R 139,743 |
Fruit and Vegetables | R 57,667 |
Material needs | |
Blankets | R 121,042 |
Plastic ground sheeting | R 10,024 |
Mattresses | R 20,497 |
Clothing | |
General | R 80,493 |
Rain Jackets | R 115,257 |
Other | |
Cleaning Products | R 3,734 |
Sanitary Products | R 34,255 |
Baby Products | R 53,275 |
Toiletries | R 30,226 |
Phamacueticals | R 10,252 |
Misc | R 12,047 |
Services | |
Vehichle Hire | R 66,861 |
Driver Hire | R 44,500 |
Petrol | R 27,089 |
Equipment Hire | R 174,809 |
Contingency / Sundry | R 500 |
Electricity | R 2,976 |
Accomodation | R 292,745 |
Transport | R 160,647 |
Materials – humanitarian information | |
Production | R 19,962 |
Staff | R 80,200 |
Office Expenses | |
Telephone and Fax | R 12,330 |
Stationary | R 11,518 |
Refreshments | R 59,113 |
Sundry | R 3,271 |
Security | R 4,058 |
Airtime | R 20,806 |
Computer Equipment | R 20,816 |
Still to be allocated | R 94,012 |
TOTAL | R 3,120,312 |
Cape Town Parliament Protest March | R 216,191 |
Media | R 381,363 |
Johannesburg UNHCR Protest | R 60,035 |
Khayelitsha Demonstrations | R 20,000 |
SJC Community Meeting Against Xenophobia | R 10,000 |
Civic Centre Sit In | R 15,045 |
Western Cape Demonstration | R 15,001 |
Western Cape Triple Demostrations | R 25,738 |
Salaries for Press Officer | R 20,250 |
Demonostration outside Cape High Court | R 4,920 |
Johannesburg | R 25,000 |
Petty Cash | R 11,384 |
Social Justice Coalition Anti-Xenophobia Activities | R 50,000 |
TOTAL | R 854,929 |
Salaries: | R 111,775 |
Overheads | R 3,450 |
Petty Cash expenses | R 14,503 |
Consultants Fees | R 24,200 |
Printing | R 24,397 |
Johannesburg | R 40,000 |
TOTAL | R 218,325 |
TOTAL EXPENSES | R 4,193,566 |