
Protest at Cape Town Civic Centre: TAC’s Demands

  1. We demand that the all available places of shelter, including all those under control of both Province and City, are immediately opened. This includes Sea Point Civic Centre, Salt River Railway Institute, Woodstock Community Hall, Muizenberg Civic Centre, schools that are not in use and other government facilities.  
  2. We demand immediate closure of camps. The camps are a serious health risk, have inadequate shelter and prevent people from going to work and school. People should be moved, on a voluntary basis, to safe community places, including the places mentioned above.
  3. We support reintegration back into communities, people who want to be repatriated to their country of origin or resettled to a third country.
  4. We demand that the UNHCR come in and assist with reintegration, repatriation and resettlement as they are obligated and mandated to.
  5. We demand that the City and the Province establish a joint task team including the mayor, the premier and civil society to address the above demands.