

Let me break-it-down, my Child! When you die – as I have many times before – yes that’s right! The Stream of your Life runs dry, The hour of Kalunga – God of death has come. The Body temporarily forfeits the right to travel the Earth! And my Soul and Spirit passes-on To the next Dimensions of the Universe – Kwe –le– miMoya!

From: iSithakazeli – Babazile ka Mjoli
PWA- Thembokwe-c Branch,
Khayelitsha District, eKapa.
Mobile: 079 9959 554


HIV/AIDS is not a sin, it is a STATE of CONSCIOUSNESS!!!
A shift in the mind towards understanding
The intimate relationship between Life and Death
If you want to control people, set fear in their lives.
People have been deceived, misled and misrepresented
By unscrupulous religions with a promise of burning sinners alive
In the fires of hell. Thus taking control of people’s minds and spirit.
Turning their bodies into empty soulless shells-
Slaves in spirit as much as slaves in flesh.

Oh, ye Heaven bejeweling stars –
Oh, ye Ten Thousand Gods
Of Dark Infinitude;
Pity the pathetic folly –
The biped fool called Man!

I as an isiThakazeli- am here to shed some light
In this madhouse of humanity with the following poetry reading
That I would like to perform for your audience…

Life’s Ultimate Friend!
By- iSithakazeli – Babazile ka Mjoli

Nantsi Indaba Ba-Bhemu!
Kwesuke – sukela!
Baphi aBa-Ntu?
Ilizwe la Ba-Ntu!

My Child, ALL living things are swimming
Across a Great Lake called Time!
Time is but a Great River that flows into
Its own source in a huge circle in the cycle of Life!

My Child, Birth is but one of the Stations
A Body, a Soul and a Spirit travels through
In the journey of Life –
Across the River of Time.

A person is born, and before you die,
You get the opportunity to ensure that
Others after you will also be born and die.

My Child, Death or rather Passing-on,
As I know it to be, is but another Station
A Soul and a Spirit travels through
In the journey of Life –
Across the River of Time.
Death-Passing-on is inevitable!
Something that must come sooner or later.
You can cheat it – death that is – but not for long,
For the devouring monster that is the River of Time
Is always at hand to make that a certainty.
Natural Death, is not Evil!
It is the Ultimate Relief
From the pain and dreariness of Life.

My Child, one has to welcome Death
With open arms and a smile on the face,
Because – say it with me, my Children!
Death is Life’s Ultimate Friend!

Listen, listen very well now, my Child,
Listen with the ears of your flesh and blood,
And listen with the ears of your impartial Souls –
For we have come to the most important part of our Ancient Creed,
The part that has to do with the Soul.

They tell you that God created Man in His Image,
My Child, the Strange Ones are misleading our People!
You were not created by God as the aliens tell you,
But you exist as part of God.

They tell you that God gave Man a special separate Soul
Which He is prepared to Judge, punish or reward
According to the Good or Bad things
The Soul does while it inhabits the Body on Earth,
My Child, the Strange Ones are misleading our People!
God is certainly not so unwise
As to punish all these billions of Souls
That appear before Him in Heaven!
And condemning them to some fires of Hell,
Which is only a sheer figment of the imagination.
Man does not posses a special Soul exclusive to herself.
All Souls are the same.
Man is but one of the many forms or re-incarnations
That a Soul must pass-through in the cycle of Life!

There are ways and means of making people experience – take part-in,
In an incident that occurred thousands of years ago.
One can be subjected to torture-most fantastic,
And one can also be subjected to exquisite pain –
That not only does one see vivid pictures of the stories told,
One also subjectively experiences in one’s person the incidents depicted.
During such moments, one can also be made to feel that one’s very Soul
Is leaving one’s body and diving-down into the very depths of Time,
And one is able to look back across all the re-incarnations
Through which one’s Soul has passed.
During such moments one is virtually continuously in a hypnotic Trance
And there are times when one vividly feels
One is facing one of the Gods, or wrestling with a primordial monster
That roamed the earth thousands of years ago,
When stories of Adam and Eve were still things of a distant future.
Suffice it to say that everything is based on the idea
That one forgets what one is told, but rarely if ever,
Forgets what one vividly experiences.

They tell you that the Ba-Ntu people of Afrika
Have no conception of a Universal Single God.
That in our Religion we worship the spirits of our long-dead Ancestors.
That we are a Godless-pagan-fetish-ridden-superstitious-sub-human-race
Sunk in the lowest levels of heathenism.
My Child, the Strange Ones are misleading our People!
The Ba-Ntu People of uMthonyama do believe in the existence of God,
But our concept of God is totally different from that held by other races.
While we believe in a Heaven, our concept of Heaven
Is totally different from that held by other races.
The Ba-Ntu version of Hell, is an Evil Land,
But in this Land, we see no Devil with tail, horns and a forked tongue
Tormenting the Souls of the wicked in Eternal Fire!
But remember this – ‘for every act of evil people commit,
There will be – someday – punishment in equal measure –
For ‘Evil hunts and destroys itself’.
For ‘Evil hunts and destroys itself’.

Let me break-it-down, my Child!
When you die – as I have many times before – yes that’s right!
The Stream of your Life runs dry,
The hour of Kalunga – God of death has come.
The Body temporarily forfeits the right to travel the Earth!
And my Soul and Spirit passes-on
To the next Dimensions of the Universe – Kwe –le– miMoya!
Beyond the Seven Winds of Creation!
Beyond the Ten Gates of Heaven!
Far, far Beyond the deepest reaches of Eternity!
Far Beyond the Outer Frontiers of Eternal Darkness!
In the valleys of the Parallel Spirit Land! Where our Holy Ancestors dwell!
In the Land of Forever-Night! Where all Souls go to after Death!
In the misty haze of the Neither Gray Land, where Souls await re-incarnation.
Lo! You are beholding the Knot in the cycle of Life!
Before this very hour I never knew why I had to die.
And it is here – Kwe – le – miMoya –
That I experienced the Truth of the Philosophy!

That – Life is but Death! And Death is but Life!
Life and Death go hand-in-hand!
The one is but a reflection of the other!
The two facets of the same thing!
Without Life, there can be no Death!
And without Death, there can be no Life!
Such is Life on Earth, my Child!
One only lives to die!
And dies to live again, and again and again!

The River of Time always dictates
That one has to resign themselves,
To the Dark Embrace of Death.
One should know Death for what it truly is –
Come say-it with me – my Children!
Death is Life’s Ultimate Friend!

Allow me to remind you once again.
Very often this strange resignation to death has been mistaken for courage.
Once one is resigned to death and ready to receive it with open arms,
One can still live to die peacefully in Old Age.

My Child, these are the sacred secrets of the many stories
Of our Great Knowledge from the Great Belief uMthonyama
Which few people on earth posses
And which many would give their lives to know.

You have just learned that you can crush the fear of death
And face many things which few have the courage to face.
In fact, you can learn to love death as your Holy Ancestors did,
Who knew it as something inevitable –
Those who left footprints on the deserts of Time
For all future Generations to follow.
For the ears and brains of those as yet unborn.

Bare in mind always my Child,
‘Nothing is ever what it seems to be…and seeing is not always believing’.
‘Nothing is ever what it seems to be…and seeing is not always believing’.

Those who have ears let them hear!
Camagu Camagwini!!!